Wednesday, February 16, 2011


A goan-portuguese inspired curry,known the world over,red,spicy and sour.there is only one "Pork" vindalo,all the others are only a cheap imitation or a poor substitute.So if you go to an "indian" inspired restaurant and see vindalo on  the list (which most defintly will be there),u know if its plain BS if it isnt pork.

a quick list of what you'll need,

bonelss pork--about 1.2 kg..cut into 1.2 inch cubes
dried red chillies--deseed them..about15..20
mix of spices-cardomem,whole balck pepper,cinnamon,star anise,cloves...ANY 3 ,,watver u can get your hands on
4 large red onions--the ones that make ur eyes water
Goan vinegar..
i saved the best for last..i know for most of u..its probably impossible to get this VITAL ingrediant,without which vindalo is just NOT vinadalo,but i have a trick for this one.
you could get some regular white vinegar,and a "clay tile",,those red mud tiles..or some sort of clay red stone..clean of course,,im hoping that might be easier to source than the goan vinegar :P..and heres what u do..
soak the tile into large bowl of your regular white vinegar for a few hours,,the longer the better..i m thinking overnight.
the resulting pale yellow vinegar,,is somewhat close to what goan vinegar is like,,,it should get you the closest taste of what we are getting at.

so thats it,,combine all these things into the food processor/mixer..just a few drops of vinegar at a  time
with some water let them combine to get you a fine paste, in the meantime,,chop those red ononis,,,very small.

get your pressure cooker started and boil the pork cubes for bout 15 minutes,,put just enough water to cover the meat,,and a little salt

in a large vessels heat some oil,,and get those chopped onions to a light brown fried,on slow heat,,then add the ground spice mix frm the processor,,and then the cooked pork,,all done on a low flame,,about 10 monutes keep stirring till u get a pleasent aroma.slowly add the pork stock,,which was leftover from the boiling process,,if its too thick,,add some water,,depnding on wat consistency u want,,,
finish with salt and a teaspoon of sugar
let it come to a boil,keep tasting to chek if the curry is cooked,,if when u taste it,,u get a buring sensaton in your throat means it needs 10 minutes more..

its best eaten with some leavened bread or short grain steamed rice :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

introduction for things to come

The SIMPLEST guide to cooking at home,No BS,just good food.
Here you will not only find the easy route to the perfect curry but get a hands on look at some differnt types of cuisines and methods of cooking and baking,,that u cant read in any cookbook. or watch on youtube.
Dont be dismayed by the lack of pictures,i have a reason for that,i want each of you all reading my posts to get a little creative,DO NOT follow my recipies like the bible,but innovate.
Cooks/cookbooks give u a million ingrediants and try and complicate the dish,,just so that they want to make it seem more interesting,,and u wont easily get bored,,,,,my idea on the other hand is quite the opposite,,some of my ways of doing things may seem "unconventional" ,but i have worked a long time,my a** off in a very busy "LIVE" kitchen,and things could get messy,,when  a la carte orders need to reach the diner in 12 minutes,,so,,i will stress on...SPEED ,SIMPLICITY and great taste! and belive me twhen i say this,but "simplicity" is the only ingrediant that always tastes good :P
and remember my motto while cooking..===if youre hands aint dirty..u aint no cook===